Quick Questions & Answers for Auto Mouse Clicker

Given below are short questions & answers about Auto Mouse Clicker. They can be really useful once you have tried your hands on Auto Mouse Clicker already. Return to Auto Mouse Clicker Tutorial Page and have a look at video tutorials and screenshots.

What Type of Script File does Auto Mouse Clicker Creates ?

Auto Mouse Clicker Script File (.mcs) Auto Mouse Clicker can be used to create a binary file with extension .mcs.

How to Playback the Events Stored in .mcs file ?

Playback Auto Mouse Clicker Script File Double Click on the .mcs file to play it, Specify the File Name (e.g. auto.mcs) in a batch file, Assign a Keyboard Shortcut to Playback the Script File or Right Click on the .mcs file and select Open

How to I Know that .mcs file is playing ?

Auto Mouse Clicker Engine in System Tray There will be an Icon in system tray (As Displayed in the Figure to the Left) while the .mcs file is playing the events stored in it.

How to Stop the .mcs File Playback ?

Assign Shortcut Key in Settings to Stop Auto Mouse Clicker Playback Assign a Keyboard Shortcut from Settings to Stop the PlayBack of the .mcs file or if possible right click on the system tray icon and select Exit.

How to Run .mcs File From a Batch File (.bat) ?

.bat file to run .mcs file Create a Batch File (.bat), Write the name of the .mcs file in the batch file, store the .bat file and .mcs file in the same folder & finally double click or launch the .bat file. Download Sample .bat file and .mcs file in .zip format, Extract the Zip File and Double Click on the .bat file to launch the Auto Mouse Clicker Script File.

How to Run Multiple .mcs Files From a Batch File (.bat) ?

.bat file to run multiple .mcs files A Batch File can be used to play multiple .mcs files either Synchronously or A-Synchronously. Download Sample containing 2 Batch Files and 2 Script Files as displayed in the figure. One Batch File Launches 5 instances of Notepad.exe and other launches 5 instances of Calc.exe assuming your Operating System has been installed on C:\ Drive. Synchronous Option allows to program the batch file to wait untill work of first script is completed , however A-Synchronous Option runs both the Script Files Simultaneously without waiting for other scripts to exit.

How to Automate Application Launching and Keyboard Typing ?

Automate Application Launch, Keyboard Typing and Special Keys Download & Save this Sample .mcs file which opens up Notepad, Do Some Typing and Close the Notepad Application. This Sample Assumes you do have your Windows Folder as C:\Windows . Once you download the sample file, extract it to some folder and then double click on the .mcs file and leave computer for few seconds to watch the automation by Auto Mouse Clicker.

How to Add New Script Record to the End of the Script ?

Add New Click, Auto Text or Anything else at the end of the Script Deselect any existing selected record from the list of records by clicking on the white area (not on any specific record) Or Just Right Click in the Script Window (On an Empty Area, where nop Script Records Exist) and select the appropriate record index to Add (e.g. Add New Click , Add New Auto Text, etc). Note : Prior to Auto Mouse Clicker Version 3.2 this is the only behavior available and hence, all records added will go to the End of the Script.

How to Add New Script Record After an Existing Record in the Script ?

Way to Add Auto Mouse Clicker Script after an existing Script Record Select the Record after which you would like to insert new Script Record (e.g. Add New Click, Add New Auto Text, etc) and Add New Record Or Just Right Click on the Script Recor After which you would like to add the new record and continue addition of new script record. Note : This Functionality is available only in Auto Mouse Clicker Version 3.2 Onwards. Also note that the Serial Numbers displayed will be Mixed Up, However the updated script will work from Top to Bottom Fashion.

Can I Cut, Copy & Paste Records in the Auto Mouse Clicker Script

Move Records in a Script or within Scripts using Cut, Copy & Paste Functions of Auto Mouse Clicker by MurGee.com Yes You can Cut (In Version 3.2 Onwards of Auto Mouse Clicker), Copy & Paste Script Records within Script and Across Scripts. When Pasting Records in any Auto Mouse Clicker Script, the records pasted would be pasted at the End of the Script or After the Selected Record in the Script. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V are the Shortcuts for these useful functions. You can even Paste the Script Records into Notepad, Excel or any other Word Processing Application.

How to Locate Mouse Cursor Position in a Auto Mouse Clicker Script ?

Show the Mouse Cursor Position of the Auto Mouse Clicker Script Record In Order to Move the Mouse Cursor to the X & Y position stored in the Mouse Cursor Script Record, just select the record and press SpaceBar on Keyboard.

How to Schedule Auto Mouse Clicker Script to execute at specific date / time ?

Use Windows Task Scheduler and point the Windows Scheduler to the Auto Mouse Clicker Script File (the .mcs file created using Auto Mouse Clicker) to run it at a Later Date / Time.

I Receive Warning about Display Resolution when running Sample Script Files, how to Remove it ?

The Warning says that when the Script file was recorded, the display Resolution was different than what is now. In case the script you are trying to run contains Fixed Mouse Click(s), Running the Script would not give you desired results as this Software would click at fixed screen locations as stored in the script and becuase the Display Resolution has changed. In case you are running Dual or Multiple Monitor in extended mode, the display resolution counted is total combined resolution of all the Monitors connected to your Windows Computer.

You can Remove the Warning by Opening the .mcs file in Auto Mouse Clicker and Saving it Once again. In case you would like to have more information about Dual or Multiple Monitors, visit MurGeeMon to view information related to Dual or Multiple Monitors in Windows or download the software to have full control over your multiple monitors.

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