LogOn Screen Saver Changer
The LogOn Screen Saver can be configured to be launched by Windows Operating System
whenever no user is logged onto the computer / workstation. However not every Screen
Saver can work as Log On Screen saver. Many Screen Savers including provided with
Windows require Direct X and they may not work as Log On Screen Saver. Given below
screenshot displays Log On Screen Saver Changer with Timer Screen Saver configured
as LogOn Screen Saver. Given below document specifies how to
Change LogOn Screen
, Disable LogOn Screen Saver, and change idle time of the LogOn
Screen Saver.
How to View / Modify Log On Screen Saver
The Log On Screen Saver can be viewed / modified using LogOn Screen Saver Changer Utility. The utility comes as an addon with our Dual Monitor utility named MurGeeMon. Given below procedure outlines how to view or change LogOn Screen Saver using the utility presented here.
Download and install the MurGeeMon which is a Dual Monitor Software utility which includes the LogOn ScreenSaver Changer Utility as addon.
- During installation of the utility, you can opt to create desktop shortcut or you can launch the application from the MurGeeMon folder in the Programs Menu of the Start Menu bar.
- Launch MurGeeMon utility with which you can control Dual Monitors or change Monitor Background.
- In case you do not need to use the Dual Monitor application to control Dual Monitors or change Monitor background, just click on top right cross button of the utility.
- Now you can launch the LogOn ScreenSaver Changer utility (which requires admin priviledges) to view the Screen Saver which will be launched at the LogOn Screen.
- In order to modify the LogOn Screen Saver, just click on the name of the desired ScreenSaver and once done close the application.
- View / Modify the idle time of the Screen Saver (the time duration in seconds of inactivity after which Windows Operating System should launch the ScreenSaver) using the edit box provided below the list of Screen Saver Names.
- Not every Screen Saver can function as LogOn ScreenSaver and hence it can be a good idea to test the Screen Saver as LogOn ScreenSaver by keeping the idle time to minimum and then logging off your signed on user (provided you do know the password to logon again) and logon again.
Disable LogOn Screen Saver
In Order to disable the LogOn Screen Saver, navigate and click to Start Menu - >
MurGeeMon - > Disable LogOn ScreenSaver. Disabling LogOn Screen Saver requires admin
priviledges and hence you may get UAC prompt, once you do provide the required input
to the prompts, this action would Disable LogOn ScreenSaver. Now onwards no
Screen Saver is launched when no user has logged onto the computer.